verigraph-1.1.1: Software specification and verification tool based on graph rewriting.

Safe HaskellSafe





data DoublyTypedGrammar a b Source #




generateDoublyTypedGrammar :: RuleSequence (TypedGraphMorphism a b) -> DoublyTypedGrammar a b Source #

Given a rule sequence, it calculates its underlying doubly-typed graph grammar

findConcreteTrigger :: DoublyTypedGrammar a b -> Interaction -> (Interaction, RelationItem) Source #

Given an doubly typed grammar and an interaction of the types ProduceForbid or DeleteForbid between two rules it returns the interaction together with the element that triggered the NAC involved in this conflict or dependency

getElements :: DoublyTypedGrammar a b -> (Set RelationItem, Set RelationItem) Source #

Given an doubly typed grammar, it returns a tuple (rs,es) where rs is the set of rule names in this grammar and es is the set of elements that appear in the rules

initialGraph :: DoublyTypedGrammar a b -> TypedGraph a b Source #

Given an doubly typed grammar, it returns its initial graph

finalGraph :: DoublyTypedGrammar a b -> TypedGraph a b Source #

Given an doubly typed grammar, it returns its final graph

emptyRestrictions :: DoublyTypedGrammar a b -> Bool Source #

Checks whether the restrict relation of an doubly typed grammar is empty

Orphan instances