{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module TypedGraph.DPO.GraphProcess
( DoublyTypedGrammar (..)
, occurrenceRelation
, generateDoublyTypedGrammar
, uniqueOrigin
, findConcreteTrigger
, calculateNacRelations
, strictRelation
, creationAndDeletionRelation
, getElements
, initialGraph
, finalGraph
, emptyRestrictions
import Abstract.AdhesiveHLR
import Abstract.DPO
import Abstract.DPO.Process
import Abstract.Morphism as M
import Analysis.DiagramAlgorithms
import Data.List as L hiding (union)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust, fromMaybe, isJust)
import Data.Set as S
import Data.Tuple (swap)
import Equivalence.EquivalenceClasses
import Grammar.Core
import Graph.Graph (Graph)
import qualified Graph.GraphMorphism as GM
import TypedGraph.DPO.GraphRule
import TypedGraph.DPO.OccurenceRelation
import TypedGraph.Graph
import TypedGraph.Morphism as TGM
import Util.Closures as C
import Util.List
instance GenerateProcess (TypedGraphMorphism a b) where
typing = retypeProduction
productionTyping = retype
restrictMorphisms = restrictMorphisms'
restrictMorphism = restrictMorphism'
data DoublyTypedGrammar a b = DoublyTypedGrammar {
singleTypedGrammar :: Grammar (TypedGraphMorphism a b)
, originalRulesWithMatches :: [NamedRuleWithMatches (TypedGraphMorphism a b)]
, doubleType :: TypedGraph a b
, originRelation :: Relation
, concreteRelation :: Relation
, restrictRelation :: AbstractRelation
initialGraph :: DoublyTypedGrammar a b -> TypedGraph a b
initialGraph = start . singleTypedGrammar
finalGraph :: DoublyTypedGrammar a b -> TypedGraph a b
finalGraph ogg = fromJust $ lookup "final" (reachableGraphs $ singleTypedGrammar ogg)
emptyRestrictions :: DoublyTypedGrammar a b -> Bool
emptyRestrictions = S.null . restrictRelation
generateDoublyTypedGrammar :: RuleSequence (TypedGraphMorphism a b) -> DoublyTypedGrammar a b
generateDoublyTypedGrammar sequence = DoublyTypedGrammar singleGrammar originalRulesWithMatches doubleType cdRelation relation empty
originalRulesWithMatches = calculateRulesColimit sequence
newRules = generateGraphProcess sequence
cdRelation = S.filter isRuleAndElement $ strictRelation newRules
relation = occurrenceRelation newRules
created = createdElements cdRelation
deleted = deletedElements cdRelation
doubleType = codomain $ getMatch $ head originalRulesWithMatches
coreGraph = domain doubleType
startGraph = removeElements coreGraph created
finalGraph = removeElements coreGraph deleted
singleGrammar = addReachableGraphs [("final",finalGraph)] (grammar startGraph [] newRules)
creationRelation :: DoublyTypedGrammar a b -> Relation
creationRelation ogg = S.map swap $ S.filter isCreation (originRelation ogg)
deletionRelation :: DoublyTypedGrammar a b -> Relation
deletionRelation ogg = S.filter isDeletion (originRelation ogg)
getElements :: DoublyTypedGrammar a b -> (Set RelationItem, Set RelationItem)
getElements ogg =
(ns,rs) = unzip $ rules (singleTypedGrammar ogg)
ruleNames = S.map Rule (fromList ns)
elements = L.map getRuleItems rs
in (ruleNames, unions elements)
calculateNacRelations :: DoublyTypedGrammar a b -> Set Interaction -> DoublyTypedGrammar a b
calculateNacRelations ogg is = newOgg
(deleteForbid,produceForbid) = S.partition (\i -> interactionType i == DeleteForbid) is
(dfs, absDfs) = calculateDeleteForbids ogg deleteForbid
(pfs, absPfs) = calculateProduceForbids ogg produceForbid
newOgg = DoublyTypedGrammar
(singleTypedGrammar ogg)
(originalRulesWithMatches ogg)
(doubleType ogg)
(originRelation ogg)
(buildTransitivity (concreteRelation ogg `union` dfs `union` pfs))
(absDfs `union` absPfs)
calculateDeleteForbids :: DoublyTypedGrammar a b -> Set Interaction -> (Relation, AbstractRelation)
calculateDeleteForbids ogg dfs = (S.map toRelation concreteDF, S.map toAbstractRelation abstract)
isConcreteDeleteForbid (i, t) = isInGraph (initialGraph ogg) t || happensBeforeAction (concreteRelation ogg) t (secondRule i)
isDiscardedDeleteForbid (i, t) = happensAfterAction (concreteRelation ogg) t (secondRule i)
(concreteDF,potentialDF) = S.partition isConcreteDeleteForbid (S.map (findConcreteTrigger ogg) dfs)
(_,abstract) = S.partition isDiscardedDeleteForbid potentialDF
toRelation (i, _) = (Rule (secondRule i), Rule (firstRule i))
toAbstractRelation (i, c) = (AbstractDeleteForbid, (findRule (creationRelation ogg) c, Rule (secondRule i)), toRelation (i, c))
calculateProduceForbids :: DoublyTypedGrammar a b -> Set Interaction -> (Relation, AbstractRelation)
calculateProduceForbids ogg pfs = (S.map toRelation concretePF, S.map toAbstractRelation abstract)
isConcreteProduceForbid (i,t) = neverDeleted t (deletionRelation ogg)
&& (happensBeforeAction (concreteRelation ogg) t (firstRule i) || not (happensAfterAction (concreteRelation ogg) t (firstRule i)))
isAbstractProduceForbid (i,t) = present t (deletionRelation ogg) && not (relatedItens (concreteRelation ogg) (Rule (firstRule i), Rule (secondRule i)))
(concretePF, potentialPF) = S.partition isConcreteProduceForbid (S.map (findConcreteTrigger ogg) pfs)
(abstract, _) = S.partition isAbstractProduceForbid potentialPF
toRelation (i, _) = (Rule (firstRule i), Rule (secondRule i))
toAbstractRelation (i, c) = (AbstractProduceForbid, toRelation (i, c), (Rule (secondRule i), findRule (deletionRelation ogg) c))
findConcreteTrigger :: DoublyTypedGrammar a b -> Interaction -> (Interaction, RelationItem)
findConcreteTrigger ogg interaction@(Interaction a1 a2 t nacIdx) =
originalRules = L.map (\(a,b,c) -> (a, (b,c))) (originalRulesWithMatches ogg)
p1Candidate = fromJust $ lookup a1 originalRules
p1 = if t == DeleteForbid then p1Candidate else invert p1Candidate
p2 = fromJust $ lookup a2 originalRules
triggeredNAC = getNACs (fst p2) !! fromJust nacIdx
(r1',m2) = getOverlapping p1 p2
d1 = getUnderlyingDerivation p1 r1'
h21 = findH21 m2 (dToH d1)
d1h21 = compose h21 (dToG d1)
q21 = findMono (codomain triggeredNAC) (codomain d1h21)
concreteTrigger = case getTrigger triggeredNAC of
Node n -> Node (applyNodeUnsafe q21 n)
Edge e -> Edge (applyEdgeUnsafe q21 e)
_ -> error "this pattern shouldn't exist"
invert (p1,(m1,k1,r1)) = (invertProduction conf p1, (r1,k1,m1))
in (interaction, concreteTrigger)
getTrigger :: TypedGraphMorphism a b -> RelationItem
getTrigger nac =
orphanNodes = orphanTypedNodeIds nac
orphanEdges = orphanTypedEdgeIds nac
in if L.null orphanEdges then Node $ head orphanNodes else Edge $ head orphanEdges
uniqueOrigin :: [NamedProduction (TypedGraphMorphism a b)] -> Bool
uniqueOrigin rules = not (repeated createdList) && not (repeated deletedList)
creationAndDeletion = S.filter isRuleAndElement $ unions $ L.map creationAndDeletionRelation rules
isCreated a = case a of
(Rule _, _) -> True
_ -> False
(created, deleted) = S.partition isCreated creationAndDeletion
createdList = S.toList $ S.map snd created
deletedList = S.toList $ S.map fst deleted
strictRelation :: [NamedProduction (TypedGraphMorphism a b)] -> Relation
strictRelation = unions . L.map creationAndDeletionRelation
occurrenceRelation :: [NamedProduction (TypedGraphMorphism a b)] -> Relation
occurrenceRelation rules =
b = strictRelation rules
b' = creationAndPreservationRelation rules b
b'' = preservationAndDeletionRelation rules b
in buildTransitivity (unions [b,b',b''])
createdElements :: Relation -> Set RelationItem
createdElements elementsRelation =
m = setToMonad (filterCreationRelation elementsRelation)
c = relationImage m
created = monadToSet c
in created
deletedElements :: Relation -> Set RelationItem
deletedElements elementsRelation =
m = setToMonad (filterDeletionRelation elementsRelation)
c = relationDomain m
deleted = monadToSet c
in deleted
removeElements :: Graph (Maybe a) (Maybe b) -> Set RelationItem -> TypedGraph a b
removeElements coreGraph elementsToRemove =
(n,e) = S.partition isNode elementsToRemove
nodes = S.map (\(Node x) -> x) n
edges = S.map (\(Edge x) -> x) e
in S.foldr GM.removeNodeFromDomainForced (S.foldr GM.removeEdgeFromDomain (M.id coreGraph) edges) nodes
creationAndDeletionRelation :: NamedProduction (TypedGraphMorphism a b) -> Relation
creationAndDeletionRelation (name,rule) =
ln = deletedNodes rule
le = deletedEdges rule
rn = createdNodes rule
re = createdEdges rule
nodesAndEdges = [(Node a, Node b) | a <- ln, b <- rn] ++ [(Edge a, Edge b) | a <- le, b <- re]
++ [(Node a, Edge b) | a <- ln, b <- re] ++ [(Edge a, Node b) | a <- le, b <- rn]
elementsAndRule = [(Node a, Rule name) | a <- ln] ++ [(Edge a, Rule name) | a <- le]
++ [(Rule name, Node a) | a <- rn] ++ [(Rule name, Edge a) | a <- re]
in S.fromList $ nodesAndEdges ++ elementsAndRule
getRuleItems :: Production (TypedGraphMorphism a b) -> Set RelationItem
getRuleItems rule =
ns = fromList (deletedNodes rule ++ preservedNodes rule ++ createdNodes rule)
es = fromList (deletedEdges rule ++ preservedEdges rule ++ createdEdges rule)
in S.map Node ns `union` S.map Edge es
creationAndPreservationRelation :: [NamedProduction (TypedGraphMorphism a b)] -> Relation -> Relation
creationAndPreservationRelation rules cdRelation =
creationCase x = case fst x of
Rule _ -> True
_ -> False
created = S.filter creationCase cdRelation
result = L.map (relatedByCreationAndPreservation created) rules
in S.unions result
relatedByCreationAndPreservation :: Relation -> NamedProduction (TypedGraphMorphism a b) -> Relation
relatedByCreationAndPreservation relation preservingRule
| S.null relation = S.empty
| otherwise =
r = getElem relation
rs = getTail relation
name = getProductionName preservingRule
nodes = preservedNodes (getProduction preservingRule)
edges = preservedEdges (getProduction preservingRule)
related (_,c) nodes edges = case c of
Node x -> x `elem` nodes
Edge x -> x `elem` edges
_ -> False
in if related r nodes edges then singleton (fst r, Rule name) else relatedByCreationAndPreservation rs preservingRule
preservationAndDeletionRelation :: [NamedProduction (TypedGraphMorphism a b)] -> Relation -> Relation
preservationAndDeletionRelation rules cdRelation =
deletionCase x = case snd x of
Rule _ -> True
_ -> False
deleting = S.filter deletionCase cdRelation
result = L.map (relatedByPreservationAndDeletion deleting) rules
in S.unions result
type RuleWithMatches a b = (Production (TypedGraphMorphism a b), (TypedGraphMorphism a b, TypedGraphMorphism a b, TypedGraphMorphism a b))
getUnderlyingDerivation :: RuleWithMatches a b -> TypedGraphMorphism a b -> Derivation (TypedGraphMorphism a b)
getUnderlyingDerivation (p1,(m1,_,_)) comatch =
(_,dToH1Candidate) = calculatePushoutComplement comatch (getRHS p1)
dToH1 = reflectIdsFromCodomain dToH1Candidate
gluing = compose (compose (getRHS p1) comatch) (invert dToH1)
core = codomain m1
dToG1Candidate = findCoreMorphism (codomain gluing) core
(match,dToG1) = restrictMorphisms (m1,dToG1Candidate)
in Derivation p1 match comatch gluing dToG1 dToH1
findMono :: TypedGraph a b -> TypedGraph a b -> TypedGraphMorphism a b
findMono a b =
monos = findMonomorphisms a b
in if L.null monos then error "morphisms not found" else head monos
findCoreMorphism :: TypedGraph a b -> TypedGraph a b -> TypedGraphMorphism a b
findCoreMorphism dom core =
ns = L.map (\(n,_) -> (n,n)) (typedNodes dom)
es = L.map (\(a,_,_,_) -> (a,a)) (typedEdges dom)
initial = buildTypedGraphMorphism dom core (GM.empty (domain dom) (domain core))
in L.foldr (uncurry updateEdgeRelation) (L.foldr (uncurry untypedUpdateNodeRelation) initial ns) es
findRule :: Relation -> RelationItem -> RelationItem
findRule rel e = fromMaybe (error $ "there should be an action related to " ++ show e) find
find = lookup e $ toList rel
getOverlapping :: RuleWithMatches a b -> RuleWithMatches a b -> (TypedGraphMorphism a b, TypedGraphMorphism a b)
getOverlapping (_,(_,_,comatch)) (_,(match,_,_)) = restrictMorphisms (comatch, match)
isInGraph :: TypedGraph a b -> RelationItem -> Bool
isInGraph initial x = case x of
Node n -> isJust $ GM.applyNode initial n
Edge e -> isJust $ GM.applyEdge initial e
_ -> error $ "case " ++ show x ++ "shouldn't occur"
conf :: MorphismsConfig
conf = MorphismsConfig MonoMatches MonomorphicNAC
findH21 :: TypedGraphMorphism a b -> TypedGraphMorphism a b -> TypedGraphMorphism a b
findH21 m2 d1 =
h21 = findAllPossibleH21 conf m2 d1
in if Prelude.null h21 then error "morphism h21 not found" else head h21
relatedByPreservationAndDeletion :: Relation -> NamedProduction (TypedGraphMorphism a b) -> Relation
relatedByPreservationAndDeletion relation namedRule
| S.null relation = S.empty
| otherwise =
r = getElem relation
rs = getTail relation
name = getProductionName namedRule
nodes = preservedNodes (getProduction namedRule)
edges = preservedEdges (getProduction namedRule)
related (c,_) nodes edges = case c of
Node x -> nodes `intersect` [x] /= []
Edge x -> edges `intersect` [x] /= []
_ -> False
in if related r nodes edges then singleton (Rule name, snd r) else relatedByPreservationAndDeletion rs namedRule
retypeProduction :: (Derivation (TypedGraphMorphism a b), (TypedGraphMorphism a b,TypedGraphMorphism a b,TypedGraphMorphism a b)) -> Production (TypedGraphMorphism a b)
retypeProduction (derivation, (g1,_,g3)) = newProduction
p = production derivation
oldL = getLHS p
oldR = getRHS p
mappingL = mapping oldL
mappingR = mapping oldR
m = match derivation
h = comatch derivation
newLType = compose (mapping m) (mapping g1)
newRType = compose (mapping h) (mapping g3)
newKType = compose mappingL newLType
newL = buildTypedGraphMorphism newKType newLType mappingL
newR = buildTypedGraphMorphism newKType newRType mappingR
newProduction = buildProduction newL newR []
retype :: (Production (TypedGraphMorphism a b), (TypedGraphMorphism a b,TypedGraphMorphism a b,TypedGraphMorphism a b)) -> Production (TypedGraphMorphism a b)
retype (p, (g1,g2,g3)) = newProduction
oldL = getLHS p
oldR = getRHS p
newKType = mapping g2
newL = reflectIdsFromTypeGraph $ buildTypedGraphMorphism newKType (mapping g1) (mapping oldL)
newR = reflectIdsFromTypeGraph $ buildTypedGraphMorphism newKType (mapping g3) (mapping oldR)
newProduction = buildProduction newL newR []
restrictMorphisms' :: (TypedGraphMorphism a b, TypedGraphMorphism a b) -> (TypedGraphMorphism a b, TypedGraphMorphism a b)
restrictMorphisms' (a,b) = (removeOrphans a, removeOrphans b)
orphanNodes = orphanTypedNodeIds a `intersect` orphanTypedNodeIds b
orphanEdges = orphanTypedEdgeIds a `intersect` orphanTypedEdgeIds b
removeOrphans m = L.foldr removeNodeFromCodomain (L.foldr removeEdgeFromCodomain m orphanEdges) orphanNodes
restrictMorphism' :: TypedGraphMorphism a b -> TypedGraphMorphism a b
restrictMorphism' a = removeOrphans
orphanNodes = orphanTypedNodeIds a
orphanEdges = orphanTypedEdgeIds a
removeOrphans = L.foldr removeNodeFromCodomain (L.foldr removeEdgeFromCodomain a orphanEdges) orphanNodes