module XML.GGXReader
( readGrammar,
) where
import Abstract.AdhesiveHLR
import Abstract.DPO
import Abstract.Valid
import qualified Data.List as L
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Maybe (fromJust, fromMaybe, mapMaybe)
import Data.String.Utils (startswith)
import qualified Grammar.Core as GG
import qualified Graph.Graph as G
import Graph.GraphMorphism as GM
import SndOrder.Morphism
import SndOrder.Rule
import Text.XML.HXT.Core
import TypedGraph.DPO.GraphRule as GR
import TypedGraph.Graph
import TypedGraph.Morphism
import qualified XML.Formulas as F
import XML.GGXParseIn
import XML.GGXReader.SndOrder
import XML.GGXReader.Span
import XML.ParsedTypes
import XML.Utilities
import XML.XMLUtilities
readGrammar :: String -> Bool -> MorphismsConfig
-> IO (GG.Grammar (TypedGraphMorphism a b), GG.Grammar (RuleMorphism a b), [(String, Int)])
readGrammar fileName useConstraints morphismsConf = do
parsedTypeGraphs <- readTypeGraph fileName
let parsedTypeGraph = case parsedTypeGraphs of
[] -> error "error, type graph not found"
ptg:_ -> ptg
_ <- parsedTypeGraph `seq` return ()
let typeGraph = instantiateTypeGraph parsedTypeGraph
parsedGraphs <- readGraphs fileName
parsedRules <- readRules fileName
let (sndOrdRules, fstOrdRules) = L.partition (\((x,_,_,_),_) -> startswith "2rule_" x) parsedRules
rulesNames = map (\((x,_,_,_),_) -> x) fstOrdRules
rules = map (instantiateRule typeGraph) fstOrdRules
ensureValid $ validateNamed (\name -> "Rule '"++name++"'") (zip rulesNames rules)
_ <- (L.null rules && error "No first order rules were found, at least one is needed.") `seq` return ()
parsedAtomicConstraints <- readAtomicConstraints fileName
parsedGraphConstraints <- readGraphConstraints fileName
let cons = if useConstraints then
instantiateConstraints parsedGraphConstraints (map (instantiateAtomicConstraint typeGraph) parsedAtomicConstraints)
else []
let initGraph = head (map snd parsedGraphs)
fstOrderGrammar = GG.grammar initGraph cons (zip rulesNames rules)
sndOrderRules = instantiateSndOrderRules typeGraph sndOrdRules
emptyRule = emptyGraphRule typeGraph
sndOrderGrammar = GG.grammar emptyRule [] sndOrderRules
(sndOrderGrammarWithMinimalSafetyNacs, logNewNacs) =
minimalSafetyNacsWithLog morphismsConf sndOrderGrammar
_ <- (case L.elemIndices False (map (isValid . snd) sndOrderRules) of
[] -> []
[a] -> error $ "Second Order Rule " ++ show a ++ " is not valid (starting from 0)."
l -> error $ "Second Order Rules " ++ show l ++ " are not valid (starting from 0)."
) `seq` return ()
return (fstOrderGrammar, sndOrderGrammarWithMinimalSafetyNacs, logNewNacs)
readGGName :: String -> IO String
readGGName fileName = do
name <- readName fileName
let ret = case name of
n:_ -> n
_ -> "GraGra"
return ret
minimalSafetyNacsWithLog :: MorphismsConfig -> GG.Grammar (RuleMorphism a b)
-> (GG.Grammar (RuleMorphism a b), [(String, Int)])
minimalSafetyNacsWithLog conf oldGG = (newGG, printNewNacs)
newNacs =
map (\(n,r) ->
let newRule = addMinimalSafetyNacs conf r
tamNewNacs = length (getNACs newRule)
tamNacs = length (getNACs r)
in ((n, newRule), (n, tamNewNacs - tamNacs))
) (GG.rules oldGG)
newGG = oldGG {GG.rules = map fst newNacs}
printNewNacs = map snd newNacs
printMinimalSafetyNacsLog :: [(String, Int)] -> [String]
printMinimalSafetyNacsLog printNewNacs =
["Adding minimal safety nacs to second order rules:"]
++ map (\(r,n) -> "Rule " ++ r ++ ", added " ++ show n ++ " nacs") printNewNacs
++ ["All minimal safety nacs added!"]
readNames :: String -> IO [(String,String)]
readNames fileName = (++) <$> readTypeNames fileName <*> readNacNames fileName
readName :: String -> IO [String]
readName fileName = runX (parseXML fileName >>> parseGGName)
readTypeGraph :: String -> IO[ParsedTypeGraph]
readTypeGraph fileName = runX (parseXML fileName >>> parseTypeGraph)
readNacNames :: String -> IO [(String,String)]
readNacNames fileName = concat <$> runX (parseXML fileName >>> parseNacNames)
readTypeNames :: String -> IO [(String,String)]
readTypeNames fileName = concat <$> runX (parseXML fileName >>> parseNames)
readAtomicConstraints :: String -> IO[ParsedAtomicConstraint]
readAtomicConstraints fileName = runX (parseXML fileName >>> parseAtomicConstraints)
readGraphConstraints :: String -> IO[(String,F.Formula)]
readGraphConstraints fileName = runX (parseXML fileName >>> parseGraphConstraints)
readGraphs :: String -> IO [(String, TypedGraph a b)]
readGraphs fileName =
[parsedTypeGraph] <- readTypeGraph fileName
let typeGraph = instantiateTypeGraph parsedTypeGraph
[parsedGraphs] <- runX (parseXML fileName >>> parseGraphs)
let instantiate graph@(name, _, _) = (name, instantiateTypedGraph graph typeGraph)
return $ map instantiate parsedGraphs
readRules :: String -> IO[RuleWithNacs]
readRules fileName = runX (parseXML fileName >>> parseRule)
readSequences :: GG.Grammar (TypedGraphMorphism a b) -> String -> IO [(String, [GR.GraphRule a b])]
readSequences grammar fileName = map (expandSequence grammar) <$> runX (parseXML fileName >>> parseRuleSequence)
expandSequence :: GG.Grammar (TypedGraphMorphism a b) -> Sequence -> (String, [GR.GraphRule a b])
expandSequence grammar (name,s,_) = (name, mapMaybe lookupRule . concat $ map expandSub s)
expandSub (i, s) = concat $ replicate i $ concatMap expandItens s
expandItens (i, r) = replicate i r
lookupRule name = L.lookup name (GG.rules grammar)
readSequencesWithObjectFlow :: GG.Grammar (TypedGraphMorphism a b) -> String -> IO [(String, [(String, GR.GraphRule a b)], [GG.ObjectFlow (TypedGraphMorphism a b)])]
readSequencesWithObjectFlow grammar fileName = map (prepareFlows grammar) <$> runX (parseXML fileName >>> parseRuleSequence)
prepareFlows :: GG.Grammar (TypedGraphMorphism a b) -> Sequence -> (String, [(String, GR.GraphRule a b)], [GG.ObjectFlow (TypedGraphMorphism a b)])
prepareFlows grammar (name,s,flows) = (name, map fun getAll, objs)
fun name = (name, fromJust $ lookupRule name)
getAll = map snd (snd $ head s)
lookupRule name = L.lookup name (GG.rules grammar)
objs = instantiateObjectsFlow (GG.rules grammar) flows
instantiateObjectsFlow :: [(String, Production (TypedGraphMorphism a b))] -> [ParsedObjectFlow] -> [GG.ObjectFlow (TypedGraphMorphism a b)]
instantiateObjectsFlow _ [] = []
instantiateObjectsFlow [] _ = []
instantiateObjectsFlow rules (o:os) =
createObject (idx,cons,prod,maps) = GG.ObjectFlow idx prod cons (createSpan prod cons maps)
createSpan prod cons = instantiateSpan (rightGraph (searchRight prod)) (leftGraph (searchLeft cons))
leftGraph = codomain . getLHS
rightGraph = codomain . getRHS
searchLeft ruleName = fromJust $ L.lookup ruleName rules
searchRight ruleName = fromJust $ L.lookup ruleName rules
in createObject o : instantiateObjectsFlow rules os
instantiateTypeGraph :: ParsedTypeGraph -> TypeGraph a b
instantiateTypeGraph (nodes, edges) = graphWithEdges
getNodeType = G.NodeId . toN . lookupNodes nodes
trd (_,_,x) = x
nodesId = map (G.NodeId . toN . trd) nodes
edgesId = map (\(_, _, typ, src, tgt) -> ((G.EdgeId . toN) typ, getNodeType src, getNodeType tgt)) edges
graphWithNodes = foldr G.insertNode G.empty nodesId
graphWithEdges = foldr (\(ide,src,tgt) g -> G.insertEdge ide src tgt g) graphWithNodes edgesId
lookupNodes :: [ParsedTypedNode] -> String -> String
lookupNodes nodes n = fromMaybe
(error ("Error getting node type of: " ++ show n))
(lookup n changeToListOfPairs)
changeToListOfPairs = map (\(x,_,y) -> (x,y)) nodes
instantiateAtomicConstraint :: TypeGraph a b -> ParsedAtomicConstraint -> AtomicConstraint (TypedGraphMorphism a b)
instantiateAtomicConstraint tg (name, premise, conclusion, maps) = buildNamedAtomicConstraint name (buildTypedGraphMorphism p c m) isPositive
p = instantiateTypedGraph premise tg
c = instantiateTypedGraph conclusion tg
m = buildGraphMorphism (domain p) (domain c) (map mapToId mNodes) (map mapToId mEdges)
isPositive = not $ startswith "-" name
mapToId (a,_,b) = (toN b, toN a)
pNodes = G.nodeIds (domain p)
(mNodes,mEdges) = L.partition (\(_,_,x) -> G.NodeId (toN x) `elem` pNodes) maps
instantiateConstraints :: [(String, F.Formula)] -> [AtomicConstraint (TypedGraphMorphism a b)] -> [Constraint (TypedGraphMorphism a b)]
instantiateConstraints formulas atomicConstraints = map (translateFormula mappings) f
f = map snd formulas
mappings = M.fromAscList $ zip [1..] atomicConstraints
translateFormula :: M.Map Int (AtomicConstraint (TypedGraphMorphism a b)) -> F.Formula -> Constraint (TypedGraphMorphism a b)
translateFormula m formula =
get = (m M.!) . fromIntegral
case formula of
F.IntConst n -> Atomic (get n)
F.Not formula' -> Not (translateFormula m formula')
F.Or formula' formula'' -> Or (translateFormula m formula') (translateFormula m formula'')
F.And formula' formula'' -> And (translateFormula m formula') (translateFormula m formula'')