module TypedGraph.Morphism.AdhesiveHLR where

import           Abstract.AdhesiveHLR
import           Abstract.Morphism
import           Graph.Graph                    as G
import qualified Graph.GraphMorphism            as GM
import           TypedGraph.Morphism.Cocomplete ()
import           TypedGraph.Morphism.Core

import           Data.Maybe                     (fromJust, fromMaybe, mapMaybe)

instance AdhesiveHLR (TypedGraphMorphism a b) where

  -- @
  --        d
  --    B──────▶C
  --    │       │
  --  b │  (1)  │ c
  --    ▼       ▼
  --    A──────▶A'
  --        f
  -- @
  -- This function receives f, creates the morphism b,
  -- and executes the pushout complement on (1).
  -- The initial pushout operation for typed graphs constructs a graph
  -- with the minimal elements needed in B such that there exists the
  -- pushout (1).
  -- The existence of them ensures that gluing conditions are satisfied.
  -- Two kinds of elements must be created: the nodes that potencially
  -- arises a dangling condition; and the elements that potencially
  -- arises an identification condition.
  calculateInitialPushout f = (b,d,c)
      -- 1. It defines b initially with an empty morphism to A, and then
      -- dangling nodes, collapsed nodes and collapsed edges are added.
      -- d and c are the pushout complement of f and b.
      b = addCollapsedEdges $ addCollapsedNodes $ addDanglingNodes init
          init = emptyMorphismToA
          addDanglingNodes m = addNodes m danglingNodes
          addCollapsedNodes m = addNodes m collapsedNodes
          addCollapsedEdges m = addEdges m collapsedEdges

      (d,c) = calculatePushoutComplement f b

      -- 2. It just defines the names for the structures
      typeGraph = codomain typedGraphA
      typedGraphA = domain f
      nodeTypesInA = GM.applyNodeUnsafe typedGraphA
      edgeTypesInA = GM.applyEdgeUnsafe typedGraphA
      graphA = domain typedGraphA
      graphA' = domain (codomain f)
      edgesOfA = edgesFromDomain f
      nodesOfA = nodeIdsFromDomain f

      emptyMorphismToA = buildTypedGraphMorphism emptyTypedGraph typedGraphA emptyMapToA
          emptyTypedGraph = GM.empty empty typeGraph
          emptyMapToA = GM.empty empty graphA

      -- 3. Auxiliary functions

      -- It captures all nodes in A that when mapped to A' has an incident edge.
      danglingNodes = filter checkExistsOrphanIncidentEdge nodesOfA
          checkExistsOrphanIncidentEdge n = any (isOrphanEdge f) incEdges
              incEdges = getIncidentEdges graphA' (applyNodeUnsafe f n)

      -- It captures all nodes in A that are equally mapped by f
      collapsedNodes =
          (\n ->
              (\n' ->
                n/=n' &&
                (applyNodeUnsafe f n == applyNodeUnsafe f n')
              ) nodesOfA
          ) nodesOfA

      -- It captures all edges in A that are equally mapped by f
      collapsedEdges =
          (\e ->
            [(edgeId e, sourceId e, targetId e) |
              any  (\e' -> (edgeId e) /= (edgeId e') && (applyEdgeUnsafe f (edgeId e) == applyEdgeUnsafe f (edgeId e'))) edgesOfA]
          ) edgesOfA

      -- It adds a list of nodes in a morphism
      addNodes = foldr (\n -> createNodeOnDomain n (nodeTypesInA n) n)

      -- It adds a list of edges (with source and target nodes) in a morphism
      addEdges =
          (\(e,src,tgt) b ->
            (createEdgeOnDomain e src tgt (edgeTypesInA e) e
              (createNodeOnDomain tgt (nodeTypesInA tgt) tgt
                (createNodeOnDomain src (nodeTypesInA src) src b)

     PO complement algorithm:
     1. compose l and m generating ml
     2. query edges for deletion in the codomain of ml
     2. query nodes for deletion in the codomain of ml
     3. delete all edges
     4. delete all nodes
  calculatePushoutComplement m l =
    let ml       = compose l m                                                -- compose l and m obtaining ml
        delEdges = mapMaybe (GM.applyEdge $ mapping m) (orphanTypedEdgeIds l) -- obtain list of edges to be deleted in G
        delNodes = mapMaybe (GM.applyNode $ mapping m) (orphanTypedNodeIds l) -- obtain list of nodes to be deleted in G
        k        = foldr removeNodeFromCodomain                               -- delete all edges, then all nodes from ml
                       (foldr removeEdgeFromCodomain ml delEdges)
    in (k, idMap (codomain k) (codomain m))

  -- @
  --        g'
  --     X──────▶A
  --     │       │
  --  f' │       │ f
  --     ▼       ▼
  --     B──────▶C
  --        g
  -- @
  -- Pullback for typed graphs.
  -- It starts getting all pairs for nodes and edges, this pairs will be
  -- the elements of X.
  -- It creates an empty X, and morphisms f' and g', and adds each pair
  -- identifing them with ids.
  calculatePullback f g = (f'',g'')
      -- This first part just defines the names for the structures
      nodeTypeInB = GM.applyNodeUnsafe typedGraphB
      nodeTypeInA = GM.applyNodeUnsafe typedGraphA
      edgeTypeInB = GM.applyEdgeUnsafe typedGraphB
      edgeTypeInA = GM.applyEdgeUnsafe typedGraphA
      typeGraph = codomain typedGraphC
      typedGraphA = domain f
      typedGraphB = domain g
      typedGraphC = codomain f
      graphB = domain typedGraphB
      graphA = domain typedGraphA

      nodesInA = nodeIdsFromDomain f
      nodesInB = nodeIdsFromDomain g
      edgesInA = edgeIdsFromDomain f
      edgesInB = edgeIdsFromDomain g

      -- Discover the nodes and edges of the X
      nodesWithoutId = getPairs applyNodeUnsafe nodesInA nodesInB nodeIds
      nodesWithId = zip nodesWithoutId ([0..]::[Int])

      egdesWithoutId = getPairs applyEdgeUnsafe edgesInA edgesInB edgeIds
      edgesWithId = zip egdesWithoutId ([0..]::[Int])

      -- Run the product for all elements that are mapped on the same element in C
      getPairs apply elemA elemB list = concatMap (uncurry product) comb
          comb =
              (\n ->
                (filter (\n' -> apply f n' == n) elemA,
                 filter (\n' -> apply g n' == n) elemB))
              (list (domain typedGraphC))

          product x y = [(a,b) | a <- x, b <- y]

      -- Init X, f' and g' as empty
      initX = GM.empty empty typeGraph
      initF' = buildTypedGraphMorphism initX typedGraphB (GM.empty empty (domain typedGraphB))
      initG' = buildTypedGraphMorphism initX typedGraphA (GM.empty empty (domain typedGraphA))

      -- Add all elements on X and their morphisms
      (g',f') = foldr updateNodes (initG',initF') nodesWithId
      (g'',f'') = foldr updateEdges (g',f') edgesWithId

      -- Add a node is just do it on the domain of f' and g'
      updateNodes ((a,b),newId) (g',f') = (updateG',updateF')
          newNode = NodeId newId
          updateG' = createNodeOnDomain newNode (nodeTypeInA a) a g'
          updateF' = createNodeOnDomain newNode (nodeTypeInB b) b f'

      -- Add an edge on the domain of f' and g'
      updateEdges ((a,b),newId) (g',f') = (updateG',updateF')
          newEdge = EdgeId newId

          -- To add an edge, their source and target nodes must be found (they already exists).
          -- It searches the node in X that is mapped by f' and g' to the same source (resp. target) node of the related edges on A and B.
          src1 =
              (\n ->
                applyNodeUnsafe f' n == sourceOfUnsafe graphB b &&
                applyNodeUnsafe g' n == sourceOfUnsafe graphA a)
              (nodeIdsFromDomain f')
          src = if Prelude.null src1 then error "src not found" else head src1

          tgt1 =
              (\n ->
                applyNodeUnsafe f' n == targetOfUnsafe graphB b &&
                applyNodeUnsafe g' n == targetOfUnsafe graphA a)
              (nodeIdsFromDomain f')
          tgt = if Prelude.null tgt1 then error "tgt not found" else head tgt1

          updateG' = createEdgeOnDomain newEdge src tgt (edgeTypeInA a) a g'
          updateF' = createEdgeOnDomain newEdge src tgt (edgeTypeInB b) b f'

  hasPushoutComplement (Monomorphism, g) (_, f) =
    satisfiesDanglingCondition f g

  hasPushoutComplement (_, g) (_, f) =
    satisfiesDanglingCondition f g && satisfiesIdentificationCondition f g

generateNewNodeInstances :: TypedGraphMorphism a b -> [(NodeId, NodeId)] -> TypedGraphMorphism a b
generateNewNodeInstances gf =
  foldr (\(a,b) tgm -> let tp = fromJust $ GM.applyNode (domain gf) a
                       in updateNodeRelation a b tp tgm) gf

generateNewEdgeInstances :: TypedGraphMorphism a b -> [(EdgeId, NodeId, NodeId, EdgeId, NodeId, NodeId, EdgeId)]
  -> TypedGraphMorphism a b
generateNewEdgeInstances =
  foldr (\(a,_,_,b,sb,tb,tp) tgm -> updateEdgeRelation a b (createEdgeOnCodomain b sb tb tp tgm) )

---- Gluing Conditions

-- | Return True if the match @m@ satifies the identification condition for existence of
-- a pushout complement
satisfiesIdentificationCondition :: TypedGraphMorphism a b -> TypedGraphMorphism a b -> Bool
satisfiesIdentificationCondition l m =
  all (==True) (notIdentificatedNodes ++ notIdentificatedEdges)
    notIdentificatedNodes =
      map (notIdentificatedElement l m nodeIdsFromDomain applyNode) (nodeIdsFromCodomain m)
    notIdentificatedEdges =
      map (notIdentificatedElement l m edgeIdsFromDomain applyEdge) (edgeIdsFromCodomain m)

-- | Given a left-hand-side morphism /l : K -> L/, a match /m : L -> G/, two functions /domain/ (to get all elements
-- in the domain of m) and /apply/ (for applying an element in a TypedGraphMorphism),
-- and an element __/e/__ (that can be either a __/Node/__ or an __/Edge/__) it returns true if /e/ is
-- identificated (i.e. __e__ has more than one incident element on itself and at least one of them deletes it)
notIdentificatedElement :: Eq t => TypedGraphMorphism a b -> TypedGraphMorphism a b -> (TypedGraphMorphism a b -> [t])
                         -> (TypedGraphMorphism a b -> t -> Maybe t) -> t -> Bool
notIdentificatedElement l m domain apply e = (length incidentElements <= 1) || not eIsDeleted
    incidentElements = [a | a <- domain m, apply m a == Just e]
    l' = apply (invert l)
    eIsDeleted = Nothing `elem` map l' incidentElements

-- | Given a left-hand-side morphism /l : K -> L/, a match /m : L -> G/, returns @true@ if
-- there aren't dangling edges
satisfiesDanglingCondition :: TypedGraphMorphism a b -> TypedGraphMorphism a b -> Bool
satisfiesDanglingCondition l m = all (==True) (concat incidentDeletedEdges)
        lhs = graphDomain m
        instanceGraph = graphCodomain m
        checkEdgeDeletion = map (checkDeletion l m applyEdge edgeIdsFromDomain)
        matchedNodes = mapMaybe (applyNode m) (nodeIds lhs)
        deletedNodes = filter (checkDeletion l m applyNode nodeIdsFromDomain) matchedNodes
        incidentEdgesOnDeletedNodes = map (getIncidentEdges instanceGraph) deletedNodes
        incidentDeletedEdges = map checkEdgeDeletion incidentEdgesOnDeletedNodes

-- | TODO: Find a better name for this function, that was repeated both here and in the GraphRule archive
-- | Given the left-hand-side morphism of a rule /l : K -> L/, a match /m : L -> G/ for this rule, an element __/e/__
-- (that can be either a __/Node/__ or an __/Edge/__) and two functions /apply/ (for applying that element in a TypedGraphMorphism) and
-- /list/ (to get all the corresponding elements in the domain of m), it returns true if /e/ is deleted by this rule for the given match
checkDeletion :: Eq t => TypedGraphMorphism a b -> TypedGraphMorphism a b -> (TypedGraphMorphism a b -> t -> Maybe t)
          -> (TypedGraphMorphism a b -> [t]) -> t -> Bool
checkDeletion l m apply list e = elementInL && not elementInK
    elementInL = any (\x -> apply m x == Just e) (list m)
    kToG = compose l m
    elementInK = any (\x -> apply kToG x == Just e) (list kToG)

isOrphanEdge :: TypedGraphMorphism a b -> EdgeId -> Bool
isOrphanEdge m n = n `elem` orphanTypedEdgeIds m