module Graph.QuickCheck where

import           Graph.Graph

import           Test.QuickCheck.Arbitrary
import           Test.QuickCheck.Gen

instance Arbitrary NodeId where

  arbitrary =
    NodeId <$> arbitrary

instance Arbitrary EdgeId where

  arbitrary =
    EdgeId <$> arbitrary

instance (Arbitrary n) => Arbitrary (Node n) where

  arbitrary =
    Node <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary

  shrink (Node id payload) =
    map (Node id) (shrink payload)

instance (Arbitrary e) => Arbitrary (Edge e) where

  arbitrary =
    Edge <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary

  shrink (Edge id src tgt payload) =
    map (Edge id src tgt) (shrink payload)

instance (Arbitrary n, Arbitrary e) => Arbitrary (Graph n e) where

  arbitrary =
    sized $ \size ->
        nodeSizePeriod =

        numNodes =
          size `div` nodeSizePeriod

        edgeIncrement =
          (numNodes * numNodes) `div` nodeSizePeriod

        numEdges =
          (size `mod` nodeSizePeriod) * edgeIncrement
        randomGraph arbitrary arbitrary numNodes numEdges

  shrink =

instance Show (NodeContext n e) where
  show _ =

instance Eq n => Eq (Node n) where
  Node id1 payload1 == Node id2 payload2 =
    (id1, payload1) == (id2, payload2)

instance Eq e => Eq (Edge e) where
  Edge id1 srcId1 tgtId1 payload1 == Edge id2 srcId2 tgtId2 payload2 =
    (id1, srcId1, tgtId1, payload1) == (id2, srcId2, tgtId2, payload2)

-- | Generate a random node that is a member of the given graph.
-- Must not be used with empty graphs, so calls to this are often similar to the following:
--   not (Prelude.null $ nodes graph) ==>
--   forAll (randomNodeOf graph) $ \node ->
--     someProperty graph node
randomNodeOf :: Graph n e -> Gen (Node n)
randomNodeOf =
  elements . nodes

-- | Generate a random node identifier that is a member of the given graph.
-- Must not be used with empty graphs, so calls to this are often similar to the following:
--   not (Prelude.null $ nodes graph) ==>
--   forAll (randomNodeIdOf graph) $ \nodeId ->
--     someProperty graph nodeId
randomNodeIdOf :: Graph n e -> Gen NodeId
randomNodeIdOf =
  elements . nodeIds

-- | Generate a random node that is a member of the given graph, along with its context.
-- Must not be used with empty graphs, so calls to this are often similar to the following:
--   not (Prelude.null $ nodes graph) ==>
--   forAll (randomNodeInContextOf graph) $ \(node, ctx) ->
--     someProperty graph node ctx
randomNodeInContextOf :: Graph n e -> Gen (NodeInContext n e)
randomNodeInContextOf =
  elements . nodesInContext

-- | Generate a random edge that is a member of the given graph.
-- Must not be used with empty graphs, so calls to this are often similar to the following:
--   not (Prelude.null $ edges graph) ==>
--   forAll (randomEdgeOf graph) $ \edge ->
--     someProperty graph edge
randomEdgeOf :: Graph n e -> Gen (Edge e)
randomEdgeOf =
  elements . edges

-- | Generate a random edge identifier that is a member of the given graph.
-- Must not be used with empty graphs, so calls to this are often similar to the following:
--   not (Prelude.null $ edges graph) ==>
--   forAll (randomEdgeIdOf graph) $ \edgeId ->
--     someProperty graph edgeId
randomEdgeIdOf :: Graph n e -> Gen EdgeId
randomEdgeIdOf =
  elements . edgeIds

-- | Generate a random edge that is a member of the given graph, along with its context.
-- Must not be used with empty graphs, so calls to this are often similar to the following:
--   not (Prelude.null $ edges graph) ==>
--   forAll (randomEdgeInContextOf graph) $ \(edge, ctx) ->
--     someProperty graph edge ctx
randomEdgeInContextOf :: Graph n e -> Gen (EdgeInContext n e)
randomEdgeInContextOf =
  elements . edgesInContext

-- | Given generators for payloads, the number of nodes and the number of edges,
-- generates a random graph.
randomGraph :: Gen n -> Gen e -> Int -> Int -> Gen (Graph n e)
randomGraph randomNodePayload randomEdgePayload numNodes numEdges =
    nodeIds =
      map toEnum [0 .. numNodes - 1]

    edgeIds =
      map toEnum [0 .. numEdges - 1]

    randomNode n =
      Node n <$> randomNodePayload

    randomEdge e =
      Edge e <$> elements nodeIds <*> elements nodeIds <*> randomEdgePayload
      <$> mapM randomNode nodeIds
      <*> mapM randomEdge edgeIds

-- | Produces all immediate shrinks of the given graph. Each shrink step may remove a single node
-- (along with all its incident edges) or a single edge.
shrinkGraph :: Graph n e -> [Graph n e]
shrinkGraph graph =
  [ removeNodeAndIncidentEdges n graph | n <- nodeIds graph ]
  ++ [ removeEdge e graph | e <- edgeIds graph ]