Module      : InterLevelCP
Description : Implements the inter-level critical pairs
Stability   : development

module Analysis.Interlevel.InterLevelCP
  ( interLevelCP,
  ) where

import           Abstract.AdhesiveHLR
import           Abstract.DPO
import           Abstract.Morphism
import           Data.List                (nubBy)
import           Graph.Graph
import           Graph.GraphMorphism      hiding (createEdgeOnCodomain, createNodeOnCodomain)
import           SndOrder.Morphism
import           SndOrder.Rule
import           TypedGraph.DPO.GraphRule
import           TypedGraph.Graph
import           TypedGraph.Morphism
import           TypedGraph.Subgraph

data InterLevelCP a b = InterLevelCP {
  sndOrderMatch :: RuleMorphism a b,
  fstOrderMatch :: TypedGraphMorphism a b
  } deriving (Eq,Show)

-- | Matches the second order rule with the first order, and calls theirs critical pairs
interLevelCP :: MorphismsConfig -> (String, SndOrderRule a b) -> (String, GraphRule a b) -> [(String,String,Int,InterLevelCP a b)]
interLevelCP conf (sndName, sndRule) (fstName, fstRule) =
  map (\((x,y,z),w) -> (x,y,z,w)) unformattedConflicts

    newNames = map (\number -> (fstName, sndName, number)) ([0..] :: [Int])
    unformattedConflicts = zip newNames (concatMap conflictsForMatch validMatches)

    validMatches = findApplicableMatches conf sndRule fstRule

    conflictsForMatch match =
        conflicts <- interLevelConflictOneMatch conf sndRule match
        return $ InterLevelCP match conflicts

-- | Calculates the second order rewriting,
-- defines the dangling extension for L and L'',
-- gets all relevant graphs from L
interLevelConflictOneMatch :: MorphismsConfig -> SndOrderRule a b -> RuleMorphism a b -> [TypedGraphMorphism a b]
interLevelConflictOneMatch conf sndRule match = m0s
    sndOrderL = getLHS sndRule
    sndOrderR = getRHS sndRule

    (k,l') = calculatePushoutComplement match sndOrderL
    (m',r') = calculatePushout k sndOrderR

    p = codomain match
    p'' = codomain m'

    bigL = getLHS p
    bigL'' = getLHS p''

    fl = mappingLeft l'
    gl = mappingLeft r'

    danglingExtFl = compose fl (danglingExtension bigL)
    danglingExtGl = compose gl (danglingExtension bigL'')

    relevantGraphs = map codomain axs
    axs = relevantMatches conf danglingExtFl danglingExtGl

    m0s = concatMap defineMatches (removeDuplicated relevantGraphs)
    defineMatches = allILCP conf p p'' fl gl

removeDuplicated :: [GraphMorphism (Maybe a) (Maybe b)] -> [GraphMorphism (Maybe a) (Maybe b)]
removeDuplicated = nubBy (\x y -> not $ Prelude.null $ find x y)
    find :: GraphMorphism (Maybe a) (Maybe b) -> GraphMorphism (Maybe a) (Maybe b) -> [TypedGraphMorphism a b]
    find = findMorphisms Isomorphism

-- | For a relevant graph, gets all matches and check conflict
allILCP :: DPO m => MorphismsConfig -> Production m -> Production m -> m -> m -> Obj m -> [m]
allILCP conf p p'' fl gl ax = filter conflicts validMatches
    validMatches = findApplicableMatches conf p ax
    conflicts = ilCP conf fl gl p''

-- | For a m0, checks if exists a conflicting m''0
ilCP :: DPO m => MorphismsConfig -> m -> m -> Production m -> m -> Bool
ilCP conf fl gl p'' m0 = Prelude.null validM0''-- or all (==False) (map (\m'' -> satsGluing inj bigL'' m'') validM0'') --thesis def
    matchesM0'' = findApplicableMatches conf p'' (codomain m0)
    validMatch = satisfiesRewritingConditions conf p''

    commutes m0'' = compose fl m0 == compose gl m0''

    --paper definition
    --validM0'' = filter (\m0'' -> not ((validMatch m0'') && (commutes m0''))) matchesM0''
    validM0'' = filter (\m0'' -> commutes m0'' && validMatch m0'') matchesM0''

relevantMatches :: MorphismsConfig -> TypedGraphMorphism a b -> TypedGraphMorphism a b -> [TypedGraphMorphism a b]
--relevantMatches inj dangFl dangGl = concatMap (\ax -> partitions inj (codomain ax)) axs
relevantMatches conf dangFl dangGl = concatMap (createAllSubobjects matchInjective) allSubgraphs
    matchInjective = matchRestriction conf == MonoMatches
    (_,al) = calculatePushout dangFl dangGl
    --axs = induzedSubgraphs al
    allSubgraphs = subgraphs (codomain al)

-- Algorithm proposed in (MACHADO, 2012) to extend a TGM.
-- For each orphan node in the received morphism l, it must add all
-- possible edges that connects in this node according to the type graph.
danglingExtension :: TypedGraphMorphism a b -> TypedGraphMorphism a b
danglingExtension l = tlUpdated
    initObject = idMap (codomain l) (codomain l)

    orphanNodes = orphanTypedNodeIds l
    typesOfOrphanNodes = map (extractNodeType typingMorphism) orphanNodes

    typingMorphism = codomain l
    typeGraph = codomain typingMorphism
    edgesOfTypeGraph = edges typeGraph

    -- Select edges to be added
    dangT = [e | e <- edgesOfTypeGraph,
                 sourceId e `elem` typesOfOrphanNodes ||
                 targetId e `elem` typesOfOrphanNodes]

    -- Merge edges to be added with their nodes
    edgesToAdd = concatMap (\n -> map (\e -> (n,e)) dangT) orphanNodes

    tlUpdated = foldl addEdge initObject edgesToAdd

    addEdge tgm (n,e) =
      case (isSrc,isTgt) of
        (True,True) -> createSrcTgt tgm
        (True,False) -> createSrc tgm
        (False,True) -> createTgt tgm
        (False,False) -> error "danglingExtension: it's not supposed to be here"
        typeNode = extractNodeType (codomain tgm) n
        isSrc = typeNode == sourceId e
        isTgt = typeNode == targetId e

        createEdge src tgt newGraph = createEdgeOnCodomain newEdgeId src tgt (edgeId e) newGraph
            newEdgeId = head (newTypedEdges (codomain newGraph))

        createSrcTgt morp = createTgt (createSrc morp)

        createSrc morp = createEdge n nodeId newGraph
            nodeId = head (newTypedNodes (codomain morp))
            typeNewNode = targetId e
            newGraph = createNodeOnCodomain nodeId typeNewNode morp

        createTgt morp = createEdge nodeId n newGraph
            nodeId = head (newTypedNodes (codomain morp))
            typeNewNode = sourceId e
            newGraph = createNodeOnCodomain nodeId typeNewNode morp