Module      : EvolutionarySpans
Description : Implements the evolutionary spans of match overlaps inter-level conflict.
Stability   : development

module Analysis.Interlevel.EvolutionarySpans
  ( allEvolSpans
  , EvoSpan()
  , leftMatch
  , rightMatch
  , cpe
  ) where

import           Abstract.AdhesiveHLR
import           Abstract.DPO
import           Abstract.Valid
import           Analysis.DiagramAlgorithms
import           SndOrder.Morphism
import           SndOrder.Rule

-- | All actual possible kinds of Evolutionary Spans, it indicates the
-- conflict existence on an overlap situation before and after evolution
type CPE = (Bool, Bool)

-- | Represents the two evolutionary matches, and the kind of span
data EvoSpan a b = EvoSpan {
  leftMatch  :: RuleMorphism a b,
  rightMatch :: RuleMorphism a b,
  cpe        :: CPE
  } deriving (Eq,Show)

-- | Given a list of second order rules, calculate all Evolutionary Spans
-- This analysis is supposed to be symmetric, here is considering only this case
allEvolSpans :: MorphismsConfig -> [(String, SndOrderRule a b)] -> [(String, String, [EvoSpan a b])]
-- combine rules symmetrically
allEvolSpans _ [] = []
allEvolSpans dpoConf rules@(r:rs) = map (evolSpans dpoConf r) rules ++ allEvolSpans dpoConf rs

-- combine rules asymmetrically
--allEvolSpans dpoConf sndOrderRules = concatMap (\r1 -> map (evolSpans dpoConf r1) sndOrderRules) sndOrderRules

-- | Gets all Evolutionary Spans of two Second Order Rules
evolSpans :: MorphismsConfig -> (String, SndOrderRule a b) -> (String, SndOrderRule a b) -> (String, String, [EvoSpan a b])
evolSpans conf (n1,r1) (n2,r2) = (n1, n2, spans)
    spans = map (\m@(m1,m2) -> EvoSpan m1 m2 (classify conf r1 r2 m)) xs''

    -- filter to catch only interesting situations
    --filteredSpans = filter (\s -> cpe s `elem` [FolDuse, DuseFol]) spans

    r1Left = codomain (getLHS r1)
    r2Left = codomain (getLHS r2)
    r1Right = codomain (getRHS r1)
    r2Right = codomain (getRHS r2)

    leftR1 = buildProduction (mappingLeft (getLHS r1)) (mappingLeft (getRHS r1)) []
    leftR2 = buildProduction (mappingLeft (getLHS r2)) (mappingLeft (getRHS r2)) []

    pairs = createJointlyEpimorphicPairs (matchRestriction conf == MonoMatches) leftR1 leftR2

    xs = filter (\(m1,_) -> isValid (codomain m1)) pairs
    xs' = filter (\(m1,m2) -> satisfyRewritingConditions conf (r1Left, mappingLeft m1) (r2Left, mappingLeft m2)) xs
    xs'' = filter (\(m1,m2) -> satisfyRewritingConditions conf (r1Right, mappingLeft m1) (r2Right, mappingLeft m2)) xs'

-- | Given two second order rules and their matches overlaped, return their type
classify :: MorphismsConfig -> SndOrderRule a b -> SndOrderRule a b -> (RuleMorphism a b, RuleMorphism a b) -> CPE
classify conf r1 r2 (m1,m2) = (deleteUseFlGl, deleteUseFlGl'')
    isConflict c l1 l2 m =
         isDeleteUse c l1 m
      || isProduceDangling c l1 l2 m
      || isProduceForbid c l1 l2 m

    deleteUseFlGl =
      isConflict conf
        (codomain (getLHS r1))
        (codomain (getLHS r2))
        (mappingLeft m1, mappingLeft m2) ||
      isConflict conf
        (codomain (getLHS r2))
        (codomain (getLHS r1))
        (mappingLeft m2, mappingLeft m1)

    deleteUseFlGl'' =
      isConflict conf
        (codomain (getRHS r1))
        (codomain (getRHS r2))
        (mappingRight m1, mappingRight m2) ||
      isConflict conf
        (codomain (getRHS r2))
        (codomain (getRHS r1))
        (mappingRight m2, mappingRight m1)