verigraph-1.1.1: Software specification and verification tool based on graph rewriting.

Safe HaskellNone




readGrammar :: String -> Bool -> MorphismsConfig -> IO (Grammar (TypedGraphMorphism a b), Grammar (RuleMorphism a b), [(String, Int)]) Source #

Reads the grammar in the XML, adds the needed minimal safety nacs to second order, and returns the grammar and a log

readNames :: String -> IO [(String, String)] Source #

Reads the names of node/edge types and NACs, which are necessary when reexporting this grammar.

To lookup the name of a node type, use I ++ show nodeId as key, where nodeId is the ID of the node in the type graph. Lookup of edge types is analogous.

readTypeGraph :: String -> IO [ParsedTypeGraph] Source #

readRules :: String -> IO [RuleWithNacs] Source #

instantiateRule :: TypeGraph a b -> RuleWithNacs -> GraphRule a b Source #