verigraph-1.1.1: Software specification and verification tool based on graph rewriting.

Safe HaskellNone




printDotGraph :: String -> String -> [String] -> [Doc] -> [Doc] -> [Doc] -> Doc Source #

printDigraph :: String -> [String] -> [Doc] -> [Doc] -> [Doc] -> Doc Source #

printSubgraph :: String -> [String] -> [Doc] -> [Doc] -> [Doc] -> Doc Source #

printStateSpace :: StateSpace (TypedGraphMorphism a b) -> Doc Source #

Create a dotfile representation of the given state space, labeling states with their IDs

printTypedGraph :: NamingContext -> String -> TypedGraph a b -> Doc Source #

Create a dotfile representation of the given typed graph, labeling nodes with their types

printTypedGraphMorphism :: NamingContext -> String -> TypedGraphMorphism a b -> Doc Source #

Create a dotfile representation of the given typed graph morphism

printGraphRule :: NamingContext -> String -> GraphRule a b -> Doc Source #

Create a dotfile representation of the given graph rule

printSndOrderRule :: NamingContext -> String -> SndOrderRule a b -> Doc Source #

Create a dotfile representation of the given snd order rule

printNode :: Doc -> [Doc] -> Doc Source #

printEdge :: Doc -> Doc -> [Doc] -> Doc Source #

nodeId :: NodeId -> Doc Source #

edgeId :: EdgeId -> Doc Source #