verigraph-1.1.1: Software specification and verification tool based on graph rewriting.

Safe HaskellSafe





data CriticalSequenceType Source #

Data representing the type of a CriticalPair



resp. delete-use


resp. produce-dangling


resp. produce-forbid


resp. inverted delete-use


resp. inverted produce-dangling


resp. inverted produce-forbid

data CriticalSequence m Source #

A Critical Sequence is defined as two matches (m1,m2) from the left side of their rules to a same graph.

This diagram shows graphs and morphisms names used in the algorithms below

p1 = production (L1,K1,R1,[N1]) (N1 from L1)

invLeft = production (R1,K1,L1,[N1]) (N1 from R1)

p2 = production (L2,K2,R2,[N2])

                   N1    N2
                   ^      ^
         l     r   │      │n
    L1◀─────K1────▶R1    L2◀────K2─────▶R2
    │       │       \   /       │       │
  m1│      k│     m1'\ /m2'     │       │
    ▼       ▼         ▼         ▼       ▼
        r'       l'

m2 :: from L2 to P1

h21 :: from L2 to D1

q21 (nacMatch) :: from N2 to P1

getCriticalSequenceMatches :: CriticalSequence m -> Maybe (m, m) Source #

Returns the matches (m1, m2)

getCriticalSequenceComatches :: CriticalSequence m -> (m, m) Source #

Returns the comatches (m1', m2')

Finding Critical Sequences

findTriggeringCriticalSequences :: (EpiPairs m, DPO m) => MorphismsConfig -> Production m -> Production m -> [CriticalSequence m] Source #

Given two productions p1 and p2, finds the Critical sequences in which the application of p1 enables the application of p2

namedCriticalSequences :: (EpiPairs m, DPO m) => MorphismsConfig -> [NamedRule m] -> [NamedCriticalPairs m] Source #

Returns the Critical Sequences with rule names

findAllProduceUse :: (DPO m, EpiPairs m) => MorphismsConfig -> Production m -> Production m -> [CriticalSequence m] Source #

All ProduceUse caused by the derivation of l before r.

Rule p1 causes a produce-use dependency with p2 if rule p1 creates something that is used by p2. Verify the non existence of h21: L2 -> D1 such that d1 . h21 = m2'.

findAllRemoveDangling :: (EpiPairs m, DPO m) => MorphismsConfig -> Production m -> Production m -> [CriticalSequence m] Source #

All RemoveDangling caused by the derivation of p1 before p2.

Rule p1 causes a remove-dangling dependency with p2 if rule p1 deletes something that enables p2.

findAllDeleteForbid :: (DPO m, EpiPairs m) => MorphismsConfig -> Production m -> Production m -> [CriticalSequence m] Source #

All DeleteForbid caused by the derivation of p1 before r. Rule p1 causes a delete-forbid dependency with p2 if some NAC in p2 turns satisfied after the aplication of p1

findAllDeliverDelete :: (DPO m, EpiPairs m) => MorphismsConfig -> Production m -> Production m -> [CriticalSequence m] Source #

All DeliverDelete caused by the derivation of p1 before r.

Rule p1 causes a deliver-delete dependency with p2 if rule p2 deletes something that is used by p2, Verify the non existence of h12: L1 -> D2 such that d2 . h12 = m1'.

findAllForbidProduce :: (DPO m, EpiPairs m) => MorphismsConfig -> Production m -> Production m -> [CriticalSequence m] Source #

All ForbidProduce caused by the derivation of p1 before p2.

Rule p1 causes a forbid-produce dependency with p2 if some NAC in right of p1 turns satisfied after the aplication of p2.

findAllDeliverDangling :: (DPO m, EpiPairs m) => MorphismsConfig -> Production m -> Production m -> [CriticalSequence m] Source #

All DeliverDangling caused by the derivation of p1 before p2.

Rule p1 causes a deliver-delete dependency with p2 if rule p2 creates something that disables the inverse of p1.

findAllProduceUseAndRemoveDangling :: (EpiPairs m, DPO m) => MorphismsConfig -> Production m -> Production m -> [CriticalSequence m] Source #

Tests ProduceUse and RemoveDangling for the same pairs, more efficient than deal separately.