verigraph-1.1.1: Software specification and verification tool based on graph rewriting.
Software specification and verification tool based on graph rewriting.
- Abstract
- Abstract.AdhesiveHLR
- Abstract.Cardinality
- Abstract.Cocomplete
- Abstract.Complete
- Abstract.Constraint
- Abstract.DPO
- Abstract.DPO.Process
- Abstract.DPO.StateSpace Utilities for exploring the state space of DPO-based High-Level Replacement Systems.
- Abstract.Morphism
- Abstract.Relation
- Abstract.Valid
- Analysis
- Analysis.ConcurrentRules
- Analysis.CriticalPairs
- Analysis.CriticalSequence
- Analysis.EssentialCriticalPairs
- Interlevel
- Analysis.Interlevel.EvolutionarySpans Implements the evolutionary spans of match overlaps inter-level conflict.
- Analysis.Interlevel.InterLevelCP Implements the inter-level critical pairs
- Analysis.ParallelIndependent
- Analysis.Processes
- Grammar
- Grammar.Core Grammar structure.
- Graph
- Image
- Logic
- Logic.Ctl Syntax and model checking for CTL.
- Logic.Model Data structures that represent models of temporal logic.
- SndOrder
- TypedGraph